I wanted to add some of the other writing I have done so here is a piece I wrote during my Internship at Simprints titled “In-Circuit Testing: An Intern’s Guide”. I hope you enjoy it. For more background about my time at Simprints see below.

Summer 2019 was the end of my second year of my Electrical and Electronics Degree. I was lucky enough to get my self a great internship at a smallish startup in Cambridge called Simprints. Simprints is a non-profit tech company that works with governments, NGOs and non-profits to help bring biometric identification to developing areas. The main purpose is to allow records of vaccinations and aid to last, ensuring help is provided effectively to the people who need it.

My role at Simprints was to produce a In-Circuit Testing system for their fingerprint scanners. During my time the company started a group to write engineering blogs and was very honoured to be allow to write one. This blog details the work I did for the three months of my internship over the summer. It does end on a bit of a cliff hanger due to the internship coming to an end before I complete the system.

To finish the system we decided I would come back during my winter holiday to finish the project but that’s a story for another time…